WEEK 19 – DAY 4


And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures? Luke 24:32

Have you ever experienced this type of “heart burn?” I would welcome this heart burn every day! It is a reminder of Jesus’s presence, His nearness to us. I remember an incident that the Holy Spirit used to set my heart ablaze. A man I did not know at the time, but I would later admire greatly stopped me as I rolled past him and another man talking on my way out of a worship service. He said, “Excuse me. When you walked past me, I felt the power of God all over you and your life. May I pray for you?” He prayed, “May all the dreams and visions according to God’s will for your life come to full and complete fruition.” He then assured me that God said I was loved and beautiful just as I am, cerebral palsy and all. I left feeling as if I were impermeable, insulated by the Spirit of God. I knew I was empowered as if I could soar to the highest heavens. It was a supernatural high that no drug could possibly imitate. This burning awareness of the Lord’s presence lasted for several hours. I was overwhelmed with joy, and the limitations of my earth-suit could not affect it. My shell no longer mattered. I was aware only of the wondrous connection of my relationship with Jesus.

Father, thank You for the times that we literally feel Your power burning within us. Help us to remember those moments in the times that we may feel distant from You. Reveal Yourself to us in Your word and draw us nearer to You.