WEEK 20 – DAY 1


In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. John 1:4-5

The moonlight Jesus created to illuminate the night pierces the darkness to enable us to see and avoid obstacles in our way. Jesus is the Light that pierces the darkness of our hearts with His radiance. When we trust in Jesus and allow this Light to dispel the darkness of our sin, He transfuses life into us where we were once dead. John gives us several names for Jesus each of which peel away another layer of Jesus’s character. As the Word, He created everything there is. As the Light, He enables us to see our way and His truth. As the Lamb of God, He was the perfect sacrifice for our sin. As the Son of Man, He shows us in a way we can understand exactly Who God is. As the Bread of Life, He sustains us. As Living Water, He flows through us and quenches our thirst for Him. As the Way, He directs us in the paths of righteousness. As the Truth, He is the One we can always trust, the embodiment of integrity. As the Life, He is our everything – our breath, our blood, our heartbeat.

Lord, please keep us on our knees

Because from that position we can see

That You are truly all we have,

Yet you are all we need.

Lord, please keep us on our knees.