WEEK 20 – DAY 2


And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise. And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up. John 2:16-17

We don’t often picture an angry Jesus in our minds, but Jesus had had enough! The temple, His Father’s house, was being used as a place of buying and selling, merchandising. The merchants were not thinking of how they could be of service to the worshipers, but were thinking, “How much revenue can I walk away with this Passover when everybody has come in from the countryside to sacrifice? How can I bilk these country bumpkins?” The people were between a rock and a hard place because the men exchanging Roman coins for temple coins charged an unfair rate, and only temple coins could be used. Outraged, Jesus turned over tables, scattered doves, and used a whip to drive out those thieves! God’s house is supposed to be a place of intimate worship, prayer, offerings, and praise. Is the sanctuary (worship center in modern terminology) a special place of worship or just another room in our church building? Is it just another location for fellowship with each other or do we enter with the expectation of meeting the Lord God Almighty? How can we prepare our hearts to reverence God’s house and truly commune with Him each time we enter?    

Father, help us to prepare our hearts for worship each Sunday. Help us to lay our concerns at the altar and bare our hearts before You in worship. Help our praise to be more than songs and prayers led by others. Help us to be still and hear Your voice through not only the carefully prepared sermons and hymns but through the presence of Your Spirit. Help us to enter the worship service this Sunday full of the expectation of meeting with Holy God!